Simple Unary Operators Example Program In C++
Unary Operators
There are two Unary Operators. They are Increment and Decrement.
Increment Unary Operator
Is Equivalent i=i+1 or i+=1
Increment Unary Operator Types
- Post Increment i++
- Pre Increment ++i
Decrement Unary Operator
Is Equivalent i=i-1 or i-=1
Decrement Unary Operator Types
- Post Decrement i--
- Pre Decrement --i
Unary Operators Explanation
- ++i: increments l and then uses its value as the value of the expression;
- i++: uses l as the value of the expression and then increments l;
- --i: decrements l and then uses its value as the value of the expression;
- i--: uses l as the value of the expression and then decrements l.
- Change their original value.
Example Program For Unary Operators
// Header Files
//Main Function
using namespace std;
int main ()
// Variable Declaration
int a = 10;
cout << "Simple Unary Operators Example Program \n";
/* Increment Operators */
cout<<"\nPost Increment = "<<a++; //Post Increment
a = 10;
cout<<"\nPre Increment = "<<++a; //Pre Increment
/* Decrement Operators */
a = 10;
cout<<"\nPost Decrement = "<<a--; //Post Decrement i--
a = 10;
cout<<"\nPre Decrement = "<<--a; //Pre Decrement i--
// Wait For Output Screen
//Main Function return Statement
return 0;
Sample Output
Simple Unary Operators Example Program
Post Increment = 10
Pre Increment = 11
Post Decrement = 10
Pre Decrement = 9
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