Simple Conditional or Ternary Operators Example Program In C++

Read About C++ Operators


Check condition if true, it returns first variables value otherwise return second values. sometimes it replaces if..else statement


Condition? Expression1: Expression2


(a>10) ? b : c

Explanation For Conditional or Ternary operator 

Given that

a, b, c

are expressions;

the expression

(a>10) ? b : c

has as its value b if a is nonzero, and c otherwise. Only expression b or c is evaluated.

Expressions b and c must be of the same data type. If they are not but are both arithmetic data types, the usual arithmetic conversions are applied to make their types the same. It is also called ternary operators.

Example Program For Conditional or Ternary operator 

// Header Files

//Main Function

using namespace std;

int main ()
	// Variable Declaration
    int a = 10;

    int b = 15;

    int c;
    cout << "Simple Conditional or Ternary Operators Example Program \n";
    c = a <= b  ? a : b; //Conditional or Ternary

    cout<<"\nC Is "<<c;

	// Wait For Output Screen

	//Main Function return Statement
	return 0;

Sample Output

Simple Conditional or Ternary Operators Example Program

C Is 10