Simple Program for Function Overloading Using C++ Programming
To calculate the area of circle, rectangle and triangle using function overloading.
Simple Program for Function Overloading Algorithm/Steps:
- STEP 1: Start the program.
- STEP 2: Declare the class name as fn with data members and member functions.
- STEP 3: Read the choice from the user.
- STEP 4: Choice=1 then go to the step 5.
- STEP 5: The function area() to find area of circle with one integer argument.
- STEP 6: Choice=2 then go to the step 7.
- STEP 7: The function area() to find area of rectangle with two integer argument.
- STEP 8: Choice=3 then go to the step 9.
- STEP 9: The function area() to find area of triangle with three arguments, two as Integer and one as float.
- STEP 10: Choice=4 then stop the program.
Simple Program for Function Overloading
#define pi 3.14
class fn {
void area(int); //circle
void area(int, int); //rectangle
void area(float, int, int); //triangle
void fn::area(int a) {
cout << "Area of Circle:" << pi * a*a;
void fn::area(int a, int b) {
cout << "Area of rectangle:" << a*b;
void fn::area(float t, int a, int b) {
cout << "Area of triangle:" << t * a*b;
void main() {
int ch;
int a, b, r;
fn obj;
cout << "\n\t\tFunction Overloading";
cout << "\n1.Area of Circle\n2.Area of Rectangle\n3.Area of Triangle\n4.Exit\n:?;
cout << ?Enter your Choice : ";
switch (ch) {
case 1:
cout << "Enter Radious of the Circle:";
case 2:
cout << "Enter Sides of the Rectangle:";
cin >> a>>b;
obj.area(a, b);
case 3:
cout << "Enter Sides of the Triangle:";
cin >> a>>b;
obj.area(0.5, a, b);
case 4:
Sample Output
Function Overloading
1. Area of Circle
2. Area of Rectangle
3. Area of Triangle
4. Exit
Enter Your Choice: 2
Enter the Sides of the Rectangle: 5 5
Area of Rectangle is: 25
1. Area of Circle
2. Area of Rectangle
3. Area of Triangle
4. Exit
Enter Your Choice: 4
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