Simple Program for Binary Operator Overloading Using C++ Programming


To write a program to add two complex numbers using binary operator overloading.

Binary Operator Overloading Algorithm/Steps:

  • Step 1: Start the program.
  • Step 2: Declare the class.
  • Step 3: Declare the variables and its member function.
  • Step 4: Using the function getvalue() to get the two numbers.
  • Step 5: Define the function operator +() to add two complex numbers.
  • Step 6: Define the function operator –()to subtract two complex numbers.
  • Step 7: Define the display function.
  • Step 8: Declare the class objects obj1,obj2 and result.
  • Step 9: Call the function getvalue using obj1 and obj2
  • Step 10: Calculate the value for the object result by calling the function operator + and     operator -.
  • Step 11: Call the display function using obj1 and obj2 and result.
  • Step 12: Return the values.
  • Step 13: Stop the program.

Binary Operator Overloading Example Program


class complex {
    int a, b;

    void getvalue() {
        cout << "Enter the value of Complex Numbers a,b:";
        cin >> a>>b;

    complex operator+(complex ob) {
        complex t;
        t.a = a + ob.a;
        t.b = b + ob.b;
        return (t);

    complex operator-(complex ob) {
        complex t;
        t.a = a - ob.a;
        t.b = b - ob.b;
        return (t);

    void display() {
        cout << a << "+" << b << "i" << "\n";

void main() {
    complex obj1, obj2, result, result1;


    result = obj1 + obj2;
    result1 = obj1 - obj2;

    cout << "Input Values:\n";

    cout << "Result:";


Sample Output:

Enter the value of Complex Numbers a, b
4                  5
Enter the value of Complex Numbers a, b
2                  2
Input Values
4 + 5i
2 + 2i
6 +   7i
2 +   3i