Simple Program for Virtual Base Class Using C++ Programming
To calculate the total mark of a student using the concept of virtual base class.
Simple Program for Virtual Base Class Algorithm/Steps:
- Step 1: Start the program.
- Step 2: Declare the base class student.
- Step 3: Declare and define the functions getnumber() and putnumber().
- Step 4: Create the derived class test virtually derived from the base class student.
- Step 5: Declare and define the function getmarks() and putmarks().
- Step 6: Create the derived class sports virtually derived from the base class student.
- Step 7: Declare and define the function getscore() and putscore().
- Step 8: Create the derived class result derived from the class test and sports.
- Step 9: Declare and define the function display() to calculate the total.
- Step 10: Create the derived class object obj.
- Step 11: Call the function get number(),getmarks(),getscore() and display().
- Step 12: Stop the program.
Simple Program for Virtual Base Class Example Program
class student {
int rno;
void getnumber() {
cout << "Enter Roll No:";
void putnumber() {
cout << "\n\n\tRoll No:" << rno << "\n";
class test : virtual public student {
int part1, part2;
void getmarks() {
cout << "Enter Marks\n";
cout << "Part1:";
cout << "Part2:";
void putmarks() {
cout << "\tMarks Obtained\n";
cout << "\n\tPart1:" << part1;
cout << "\n\tPart2:" << part2;
class sports : public virtual student {
int score;
void getscore() {
cout << "Enter Sports Score:";
void putscore() {
cout << "\n\tSports Score is:" << score;
class result : public test, public sports {
int total;
void display() {
total = part1 + part2 + score;
cout << "\n\tTotal Score:" << total;
void main() {
result obj;
Sample Output
Enter Roll No: 200
Enter Marks
Part1: 90
Part2: 80
Enter Sports Score: 80
Roll No: 200
Marks Obtained
Part1: 90
Part2: 80
Sports Score is: 80
Total Score is: 250
Virtual Class and Functions In C++
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