Simple Program for Virtual Functions Using C++ Programming


Simple Example Program for virtual functions.

Simple Program for Virtual Functions Algorithm/Steps:

  • Step 1: Start the program.
  • Step 2: Declare the base class base.
  • Step 3: Declare and define the virtual function show().
  • Step 4: Declare and define the function display().
  • Step 5: Create the derived class from the base class.
  • Step 6: Declare and define the functions display() and show().
  • Step 7: Create the base class object and pointer variable.
  • Step 8: Call the functions display() and show() using the base class object and pointer.
  • Step 9: Create the derived class object and call the functions display() and show() using the derived class object and pointer.
  • Step 10: Stop the program.

Simple Program for Virtual Functions


class base {
    virtual void show() {
        cout << "\n  Base class show:";

    void display() {
        cout << "\n  Base class display:";

class drive : public base {

    void display() {
        cout << "\n  Drive class display:";

    void show() {
        cout << "\n  Drive class show:";

void main() {
    base obj1;
    base *p;
    cout << "\n\t P points to base:\n";

    p = &obj1;

    cout << "\n\n\t P points to drive:\n";
    drive obj2;
    p = &obj2;

Sample Output

P points to Base

Base class display
Base class show

P points to Drive

Base class Display
Drive class Show