Simple C++ Program for Basic Exception Handling


In C++, Exception handling is the special process of reacting to the appearance, while computation.

Example Program

/*## Simple C++ Program for Basic Exception Handling */
/*## Exception Handling C++ Programs, Exception Handling Programming*/

// Header Files
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   int var = 0;

   cout << "Simple C++ Program for Basic Exception Handling\n";
   // try block - for exception code
   try {
      // Inside try block
      if (var == 0) {
         throw var;
         // Skip all code after throw
   }   // catch block
   catch (int ex) {
      // Code executed when exception Catch
      cout << "Exception Catch : Value :" << ex;

   return 0;

Sample Output

Simple C++ Program for Basic Exception Handling
Exception Catch : Value :0