Simple Linear Search Example Program in C++
- Linear search is also called sequential search
- Linear search is a method for searching a value within an array.
- It sequentially checks one by one of the arrays for the target element until a match is found or until all the elements have been searched of that array.
Why is the linear search also called sequential search
- Linear search sequentially checks one by one of the collection(from 0th position to end) for the search element. So It is called sequential search.
Simple Linear Search Example Program (Sequential search)
/* Simple Linear Search Program in C++*/
/* Data Structure C++ Programs,C++ Array Examples */
#include <iostream>
#define MAX_SIZE 5
using namespace std;
int main() {
int arr_search[MAX_SIZE], i, element;
cout << "Simple C++ Linear Search Example - Array\n";
cout << "\nEnter " << MAX_SIZE << " Elements for Searching : " << endl;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)
cin >> arr_search[i];
cout << "\nYour Data :";
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
cout << "\t" << arr_search[i];
cout << "\nEnter Element to Search : ";
/* for : Check elements one by one - Linear */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
/* If for Check element found or not */
if (arr_search[i] == element) {
cout << "\nLinear Search : Element : " << element << " : Found : Position : " << i + 1 << ".\n";
if (i == MAX_SIZE)
cout << "\nSearch Element : " << element << " : Not Found \n";
Sample Output
Simple Linear Search Example - Array
Enter 5 Elements for Searching :
Enter Element to Search : 200
Linear Search : 200 is Found at array : 4.
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