Simple Program for Print address of Variable Using Pointer in C++


Pointer is the variable that holds the address of another variable.

Poniter Syntax

pointer_vaibale = &variable; 

Print address of Variable Using Pointer

/* Simple Program for Print address of Variable Using Pointer in C++*/
/* Print Pointer Address C++ Program,C++ Pointer Examples */

// Header Files
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   // Declare Variables
   int a;
   int *pt;

   cout << "C++ Pointer Example Program : Print Pointer Address\n";
   a = 10;
   pt = &a;

   cout << "\n[a  ]:Value of A = " << a;
   cout << "\n[*pt]:Value of A = " << *pt;
   cout << "\n[&a ]:Address of A = " << &a;
   cout << "\n[pt ]:Address of A = " << pt;
   cout << "\n[&pt]:Address of pt = " << &pt;
   cout << "\n[pt ]:Value of pt = " << pt;

   return 0;

Sample Output

Pointer Example Program : Print Pointer Address

[a  ]:Value of A = 10
[*pt]:Value of A = 10
[&a ]:Address of A = 0060FF0C
[pt ]:Address of A = 0060FF0C
[&pt]:Address of pt = 0060FF08
[pt ]:Value of pt = 0060FF0C

/* Output may vary based on system  */