Simple Example Program For Destructor In C++
Destructor Overview
In C++, The destructor is a special member function which is called automatically when the object goes out of scope.
Destructor looks like a normal function and is called automatically when the program ends or an object is deleted.
Rules Of Destructor
- Should start with a tilde(~) and same name of the class.
- Destructors do not have parameters and return type.
- Destructors are called automatically and cannot be called from a program manually.
Destructor Usage
- Releasing memory of the objects.
- Releasing memory of the pointer variables.
- Closing files and resources.
Destructor Syntax
Class class_name {
~class_name() //Destructor
Simple Destructor Example Program For Program
// Header Files
//Standard Namespace Declaration
using namespace std;
class BaseClass // Class Name
//Constructor of the BaseClass
BaseClass() {
cout << "Constructor of the BaseClass : Object Created"<<endl;
//Destructor of the BaseClass
~BaseClass() {
cout << "Destructor of the BaseClass : Object Destroyed"<<endl;
int main ()
// Object Declaration for BaseClass
BaseClass des;
// Wait For Output Screen
//Main Function return Statement
return 0;
Sample Output
Constructor of the BaseClass : Object Created
Destructor of the BaseClass : Object Destroyed
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