Constructors and Destructors in C++ Classes

Constructor Overview


A constructor is a special member function of the class which has the same name as that of the class. It is automatically invoked when we declare/create new objects of the class.

Rules of Constructors

  • A constructor should have the same name as that of the class.
  • It should be a public member.
  • A constructor does not have any return values.
  • A constructor can be overloaded.


class class_name {

    class_name() {
        // Constructor code 

    //... other Variables & Functions

Types Of Constructor

  • Default Constructor
  • Parameterized Constructor
  • Copy Constructor

Default Constructor

A default constructor does not have any parameters or if it has parameters, all the parameters have default values.


class class_name {
    // Default constructor with no arguments
    // Other Members Declaration

Simple Contrcuter Example Programs

Parameterized Constructor

If a Constructor has parameters, it is called a Parameterized Constructor. Parameterized Constructors assist in initializing values when an object is created.  

General Syntax of Parameterized Constructor

class class_name {
    class_name(parameters...) {
        // Constructor code 
    //... other Variables & Functions

Parameterized Constructor Example Programs

Copy Constructor

A copy constructor is a like a normal parameterized Constructor, but which parameter is the same class object.  copy constructor uses to initialize an object using another object of the same class. 

General form of Copy Constructor

class class_name {
    class_name(class_name & obj) {
        // obj is same class another object
        // Copy Constructor code 
    //... other Variables & Functions

Declaration in Main

class_name object1(params);

Copy Constructor - Method 1

class_name object2(object1); 

Copy Constructor - Method 2

class_name object3 = object1; 

Copy Constructor Example Programs



A destructor is a special member function which is called automatically when the object goes out of scope.

It is used for,

  • Releasing the memory of objects.
  • Closing files and resources.


  • Should start with a tilde(`) and must have the same name as that of the class.
  • Destructors do not have parameters and return type.


Class class_name {
 `class_name() //Destructor

Destructor  Example Programs

More Constructor and Destructor Examples