Simple Parameterized Constructor For Find Prime Number Example Program In C++


In C++, Constructor is automatically called when an object( the instance of the class) create.It is a special member function of the class.

  • It has the same name of the class.
  • It must be a public member.
  • No Return Values.
  • Default constructors are called when constructors are not defined for the classes.

Prime Number Calculation Algorithm/Steps:

  • STEP 1:  Start the program.
  • STEP 2:  Declare the class as Prime with data members and Member functions.
  • STEP 3:  Consider the argument constructor Prime() with integer Argument.
  • STEP 4:  To call the function calculate() and do the following steps.
  • STEP 5:  For i=2 to a/2 do
  • STEP 6:  Check if a%i==0 then set k=0 and break.
  • STEP 7:  Else set k value as 1.
  • STEP 8:  Increment the value i as 1.
  • STEP 9:  Check whether the k value is 1 or 0.
  • STEP 10: If it is 1 then display the value is a prime number.
  • STEP 11: Else display the value is not prime.
  • STEP 12: Stop the program.


class class_name {
    Access Specifier :
    class_name(variables) {
        // Constructor code 

    //... other Variables & Functions

Example Program

/*  Simple Parameterized Constructor For Prime Number Example Program In C++ 
    Understanding Class and Constructors            */


using namespace std;

// Prime Class Declaration
class Prime {
   //Member Variable Declaration
   int a, k, i;
   // Parameterized Constructor definition
   Prime(int x) {
      a = x;

      k = 1;
         for (i = 2; i <= a / 2; i++)
            if (a % i == 0) {
               k = 0;
            } else {
               k = 1;
   //Member Function show() for display result.
   void show() {
      if (k == 1)
         cout << a << " is Prime Number.";
         cout << a << " is Not Prime Numbers.";

//Main Function
int main() {
   int a;
   cout << "Simple Parameterized Constructor For Prime Number Example Program In C++\n";

   cout << "\nEnter the Number:";

   // Object Creation For Class and Initiate Value from the user input
   Prime obj(a);

   // Call Member Function show();

   // Wait For Output Screen
   return 0;

Sample Output

Simple Parameterized Constructor For Prime Number Example Program In C++

Enter the Number:7
7 is Prime Number.

Simple Parameterized Constructor For Prime Number Example Program In C++

Enter the Number:10
10 is Not Prime Numbers.